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Student Fees Explained

Student Registration Fees: What Students Pay

View a listing of fees paid during registration.


Tuition is charged to all registered students and provides general support for the University’s operating budget including costs related to general campus faculty and instructional support; libraries and other academic support; institutional support; operations and maintenance of buildings; student services; and student financial aid.

Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition (PDST)

PDST is paid by students enrolled in a number of professional degree programs to support instruction and specifically to sustain and enhance program quality. These charges vary by program.

Nonresident Supplemental Tuition (NST)

NST is charged to nonresident students in addition to other mandatory changes, in lieu of State support for the cost of education.

Student Services Fee

The Student Services Fee is charged to all registered students and funds services that are necessary to students but not part of the University’s programs of instruction, research, or public service.

Campus-Based Fees

Campus-Based Fees are mandatory fees that support student services, programs, and facilities. At Berkeley, they include the fees that make up the Berkeley Campus Fee and the AC Transit Class Pass Fee.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is mandatory for all students but can be waived with proof of other insurance meeting University waiver criteria.

Course Materials and Services Fees (CMSF)

CMSF cover costs specific to a course, such as materials to be used in a studio arts class or lab, travel costs for an archeological dig, or information technology materials and services as they relate to a specific course. The Instructional Resilience and Enhancement Fee (IREF) is a course materials and services fee that supports tools, infrastructure and staff to support in-person and remote instruction.

Miscellaneous Student Fees

These are fees and service charges that may be assessed for purposes such as: covering the cost of non-instructional services or materials; encouraging compliance with administrative rules; replacing or repairing equipment which is damaged by students beyond normal wear and tear; recovering costs through rental charges for the student’s use of University-owned tools, musical instruments, or other equipment; or covering the cost of other materials or services necessary to provide a special supplemental educational experience of direct benefit to the student. See also approved Berkeley Miscellaneous Student Fees (PDF).

Self-Supporting Graduate Professional Degree Programs

Self-supporting program fees or other non-state funds will cover full program costs, including but not limited to faculty instructional costs (including benefits), program support costs (including overhead within a school or college), student services costs, financial aid needs of their students, and campus overhead. Campus overhead is defined as including: academic support (e.g. library), institutional support, and space related costs (e.g., debt service, equipment replacement and maintenance).